A global contemporary art community

myma is a professional platform for emerging and mid-career visual artists to display their work and connect with artists, curators, gallerists, brands, collectors and patrons worldwide.

Unlike social media, myma is designed for the art community— prioritizing relevant connections, free expression and promoting artists without exploitative engagement algorithms.

Discover and connect with artists and their works

The feed is an online collective museum showcasing works of artists in the myma community.

Members can curate visual playlists of artworks for inspiration and professional research, discover more art they like and easily share viewlists with friends and collaborators.

Ongoing original and collaborative programming

We run original programming including myma’s monthly grant series and video productions highlighting artists in the community. We are expanding community programming with exciting new opportunities coming soon.

We also partner with art organizations and brands to create new programming, and promote their opportunities to the global contemporary art world. To partner with myma, get in touch here!

A global artist opportunity board

Artists in the community can discover and apply to artist opportunities from myma and leading art organizations worldwide with their artist profile on the opportunity board for free.

myma opportunity board features quality opportunities posted by art organizations in the community, as well as researched picks by myma’s team, updated daily!

Easy to use opportunity management software for art organizations

Art organizations and brands can publish, manage, review, and share opportunities with myma opportunity manager. Similar to Submittable and Slideroom, but with instant promotion to +10,000 artists in the community and completely free.

Community collaboration

We want to build a community that works for all members. To do that, we need to hear from you! Please reach out with any feedback or questions here.

If you’re interested in sponsoring inclusive programming through myma, please get in touch.